Tuesday, January 24, 2012

iPad .... project?

I like my iPad. I need you to know that first of all. I use it in my daily life, I use it in my professional life, I use it in my fitness life ... I use it everywhere. I use the iOS stuff .... a lot.

I run with my iPhone, I teach with my iPad. I write with my Macbook and blog with all of them. My kids read books, I can supervise what my 9 year old is doing in the basement. I can make sure that my digital life is more secure with this "stuff". I use the iPad to turn the channel on my tv.

I like them, and I've spent a lot of time learning how to use them.

To that end, I've tried to teach my fellow workers on how to use them. Weekly "Lunch and Learn" sessions for free. No one comes. It's disheartening. Being the only guy who knows how to use something, leads a lot of others around me to think that I am an idiot. After a while, there's a chance .... I might start to believe them.

I'm hoping that if you are reading this, you want to link up and do some work together using this iOS technology. Maybe we can even open a few eyes along the way.

Drop a comment below, I'll get an email and we can go from there.

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